Happy New Year I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and are looking forward to 2022.    VAT on Electric Vehicles I have had a number of enquiries from people lately asking whether VAT on electric cars is recoverable as “Surely the government...

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Our value added talk helps you stay up to date with news regarding VAT, Tax and General Business updates to stay ahead of the competition.

Christmas Opening Hours The office will be closed from 5pm on Thursday 23rd December until 9am on Tuesday 4th January. Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year.  VAT50/51 For group VAT registration applications, HMRC has redeveloped forms VAT 50 and 51 so that there...
Autumn Budget There was very little in relation to VAT in last week’s budget. After a mammoth year for VAT changes with Brexit and the Domestic Reverse Charge, the lack of VAT measures came as something of a relief! VAT rules in relation...
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