Volunteer Opportunity Darlington South Park Foundation is looking for a new volunteer treasurer.  This is an exciting time for the Foundation as we have just received some lottery funding and we are trying to strengthen our team to take the project forward. Our...

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Our value added talk helps you stay up to date with news regarding VAT, Tax and General Business updates to stay ahead of the competition.

Making Tax Digital Reminder Making Tax Digital (MTD) has already been in operation for all businesses with a turnover over £85,000. For period beginning on or after 1 April 2022, it will apply to all VAT registered businesses. That means that all VAT...
Delays in HMRC processing Group VAT Registrations As some of you will be aware, there are currently significant delays in HMRC processing forms in relation to VAT Group Registrations. It seems they are currently dealing with forms submitted last summer. HMRC has released...
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