Welcome to my October newsletter. As I mentioned last month, please be aware that the office will be closed for holidays the week commencing 2nd October. Changes to assessment process for late VAT returns I’ve recently written an article for AccountingWeb,...

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Category: VAT Penalties
Our value added talk helps you stay up to date with news regarding VAT, Tax and General Business updates to stay ahead of the competition.

Welcome to my July newsletter. It’s been a busy month here at Bevan VAT, hopefully that means you've all been nice and busy too. New HMRC Online Payment Plans for VAT Liabilities In an attempt to simplify and automate the...
New Year: New Penalty Regime! Happy new year. I hope you managed to have some sort of break over the holiday period. This is a special edition of VATwatch, devoted entirely to the new VAT penalty system which applies to...
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