Welcome to the first VATwatch of 2024. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are looking forward to the year ahead.My First PodcastHuge thanks to Andy Read and Adam Walker for inviting me onto their podcast. This is the first...

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Home » Value Added Talk » Government VAT Relief Schemes
Category: Government VAT Relief Schemes
Our value added talk helps you stay up to date with news regarding VAT, Tax and General Business updates to stay ahead of the competition.

VAT is 50!! It might feel like it has been around forever, but our favourite(!) tax turns 50 today. I am presenting a webinar with the CIOT on 4th April to celebrate and anyone is welcome to attend. VAT is...
DL Expo I am very happy to be sponsoring DL Expo which takes place at the Dolphin Centre on Wednesday 5th October. It is the first proper one since 2019 and I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone. There are...
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